Metal Processing

Research Area

Advanced Metals Processing


The Advanced Metals Processing Research Area aims to build on the UK’s strength in metals processing and provide the support needed to deliver innovative metals processing technologies and novel alloy solutions.

It also aims to enable the UK metal industries to transition to a resource efficient, zero-pollution, digitalized and agile future.

Above: watch Professor Martin Jackson and Dr Ed Pickering introduce the Advanced Metals Processing Research Area.

£1.3 Trillion

The total worth to the European Economic Area of the manufacturing and processing of metals to form components

Introduction and Scope

Metallurgy and metals processing is changing, driven by the need to rapidly transition to a low-carbon and more circular economy. Improved innovation and in-service performance is required, whilst addressing the socio-economic drivers of reducing process waste, and emissions, and development cycle  times.

Our focus on metals process innovation is the “missing gap” between small-scale laboratory metals processing and the industrial scale. Through a combination of small-scale experiments, materials characterisation, and modelling, our aim is to develop an integrated computational materials engineering approach to metals processing across the whole manufacturing process, accelerating manufacturing agility and efficiency.

Led by the University of Sheffield, working with the University of Manchester, the Advanced Metals Processing Research Area engages the entire Advanced Metals community in the UK.

Application areas include:

  • Light weight system solutions for transport industry;
  • New steels for nuclear industry;
  • Net shape aerospace components;
  • Additive repair of high value components;
  • Materials tailored for orthopaedic applications;
  • Primary metal suppliers for automotive manufacturers;
  • Primary metal suppliers for aerospace component manufacturers, gas turbine suppliers.



Current and Future Research

To facilitate and support the development of competitive, resource-efficient, zero-carbon, digitalised, and agile UK metals manufacturing, through:

  • the adoption of new technologies based around heat from electricity/hydrogen
  • Materials 4.0 (e.g. “digital twin”) development for rapid and intelligent
    process support
  • new solutions for de-commissioning and recycling/re-use of metal products
    (including understanding the resiliance of alloys to repetitive recycling)
  • the transition to more efficient and affordable processing routes with more
    consistent properties to reduce design conservatism (use of less material
    by challenging our approach to risk assurance).


Our unique capability has been strategically designed to “stress-test” metals processing and alloy innovations (TRLs 1-2) at an intermediate size scale, and will then move to the industrial scale through the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) network, Materials Processing Institute (MPI) and TWI.

Steering Group

Name Institute/Organisation
Abigail Ackerman Imperial College London
Moataz Attallah University of Birmingham
Kate Black University of Liverpool
Dave Collins University of Cambridge
Gebril El-Fallah University of Leicester
Marina Galano University of Oxford
Mikdam Jamal Manufacturing Technology Centre
Mark Jones CoNetZ
Nick Lavery Swansea University
Jiawei Mi University of Hull
Pete Osborne University of Sheffield AMRC
Carl Slater WMG
Tan Sui University of Surrey
Matthew Bailey Aerospace Technology Institute
Mark Dodds ITP Aero UK
Joe Fixter Boeing Research and Technology
Richard Jenkins McLaren Racing Ltd
Melanie Lang FormAlloy Technologies, Inc.
Jan Lukaszewski Aluminium Federation
Ehsan Rahimi Jaguar Land Rover
Robert Scudamore TWI
Rebecca Shepherd Thales UK
Tom Williamson Atomising Systems Limited
Yogiraj Pardhi Sulzer