The EPSRC-funded International Network for Spintronics is focused on the development of new spintronic-related ideas for low-energy computing devices.
It brings together world-leading spintronics groups in the UK, Europe and Japan including York, Leeds, Manchester, Kaiserslautern, Spintec, Tohoku University and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). The network aims to promote and support collaboration between partners through symposia, researcher exchanges and collaboration.
The 2024 Pump Priming Call is now open to support UK researchers in initiating new collaborations with one of the overseas partner institutes. Up to £15k to support travel and subsistence costs of UK-based researchers (excluding PhD students due to EPSRC funding rules) can be provided. Applications from early career researchers are particularly encouraged.
The application form can be found below and the deadline for applications is 31st March 2024 (please submit completed form to