3DbioNet is pleased to announce the final call for pump-priming projects. The aim is to build on discussions and networking that took place at the virtual workshop in September 2020. The budget for individual projects is anticipated to be in the region of £30-50K, with a maximum budget of £80K.
Scope and eligibility
Applications must address the remit of the network and aspects of the challenges identified during the 3DbioNet workshops.
- The projects will be evaluated by 3DbioNet’s advisory board based on the quality and originality of the science, the fit with the remit of the call, the added value of the collaboration, and the potential for sustainability and longer term funding.
- A minimum of 2 institutions should be involved in each project. One of these could be an industrial partner.
- Applications must be led by a UK-based investigator, who has attended at least one of the 3DbioNet workshops.
- The budget for this call is £278k and we expect to fund 5-7 projects, with an average cost of £30-50K and a maximum budget of £80k per project.
- Projects will be funded at 80% FEC.
- All projects must be completed by 31st December 2021 (at the very latest).
- If a grant is awarded, then the applicants commit to providing a final report by 30th January 2021, including a one page summary suitable for sharing on the network blog.
Key dates
Deadline for Submission : Monday 1st November 2020
Notification of outcomes: Monday 16th November 2020
How to apply
Complete the application form and submit your proposal in the Word document format to 3dbionet@liverpool.ac.uk
Application form can be downloaded HERE
More information can be found on our webpage. For any queries please contact us at 3dbionet@liverpool.ac.uk