Our Impact

Societal and economic benefit through materials innovation

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Mechanical Assessment of Aerospace Engine Materials in Hydrogen

This work pilots Royce Institute facilities for the assessment of H2 effects and establishes a UK leading capability which can continue to support the development of materials technologies for hydrogen powered aerospace industry and the wider hydrogen powered economy.

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Enzymatic Recycling of Polyurethane Foams

Enzymatic approaches to plastic recycling have received considerable attention, however to date efforts have largely focussed on PET deconstruction. This study focused on polyurethane (PU)from alternating aromatic diisocyanate (e.g. MDI) and polyol building blocks.

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Novel Functional Coating Strategy for Preventing Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metals

Hydrogen can cause catastrophic failures to structural materials. This study aimed to develop a new coating solution to prevent such failures by recovering materials’ mechanical properties.

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Solutions for Low to High Temperature Energy Recovery from Industrial Waste Heat Streams

This project assesses the performance of heat exchanger materials for a waste to energy system at laboratory scale. The high and low temperature degradation behaviour of IN625 & SS316 bare and with coating was examined. 

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The Royce Wide Bore Magnet at the University of Cambridge was used by researchers from the University of Strathclyde to investigate trapped fields of a HTS-stacked ring magnet with and without HTS stacks inserted and observed a novel characteristic.

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The project employed advanced operando characterisation, electrochemical analysis and a multi-physics model to identify and quantify chemical and physical constraints during fast-charging, comparing state-of-the-art graphite and nanocluster carbon (a disordered carbon) anodes.

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Establishment of Electrochemical Micro Test Facilities for Developing Electrocatalysts for the Generation of Hydrogen

A unique alkaline water electrolysis test rig has been built and commissioned at the University of Manchester using Royce ICP funding.

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The project explored the use of hydrogen, coupled with the conversion of CO2, for the sustainable synthesis of chemical feedstocks, including methanol and higher hydrocarbons. This could result in 90% drop in CO2 emissions.

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Investigating the thermal, mechanical, and dielectric properties of various insulation systems used in aerospace and automotive applications to locate and image failure locations.

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Manufacturing Carbon-Neutral Steel by 2040

A new manufacturing research hub will help revolutionise the industry and reduce the environmental impact of steel production – currently responsible for 9% of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. 

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The influence of nanoprecipitation on the mechanical properties of microalloyed steels for the automotive industry

Two alloys were made using Royce expertise and equipment to evaluate the effect of Chromium (Cr) on precipitation, ferrite fraction and morphology. They were also reheated and isothermally transformed, while the reheating temperature was changed to evaluate their effect on the tensile properties.

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Designing Materials for Safer Nuclear Power

Royce researchers will help make nuclear power cleaner, cheaper and safer – working with international industry to better understand the performance of critical components in the fuel assemblies of reactors.

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Nuclear power plant

Expert Witnesses for UK Pharma

Royce researchers at the University of Leeds acted as expert witnesses for GSK in a patent dispute, using state-of-the-art electron microscopy to map particles in an inhaler powder used to treat progressive lung disease. 

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Leeds microscopy capability

Understanding Next Gen Battery Lifetime

Royce microscopy capability gives new insight into solid-state battery lifetime and stability – critical for next generation energy storage, from devices to transport. 

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Coating technology for future flight

A prestigious research Chair will develop next-generation coatings for use in aero gas turbine engines, working with Rolls Royce to improve environmental, performance and fuel efficiency standards. 

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Turbine blade

Battery innovation for electric transport

Royce researchers will help make batteries lighter, cheaper, safer and more efficient – understanding the all-solid-state battery, critical to developing batteries required for the electrification of vehicles. 

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Understanding novel transistor technologies for a more connected world

Access to the Royce High-Voltage Electrical Characterisation Suite enabled Cambridge GaN devices to characterise transistor prototypes to exploit the new emerging material’s semiconductor capabilities.

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Developing superconducting materials for energy-efficient supercomputers

Researchers at the University of Leeds are benefiting from the Henry Royce Institute’s pioneering deposition equipment to make efficient memory devices using supercomputers.

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Metallographic Analysis of Welds on Lithium Battery Cells

EC-OG received funding and expertise from the Henry Royce Institute to perform metallographic examinations using Royce facilities at the University of Oxford’s Materials Characterisation Service (OMCS).

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Developing innovative electrotherapies to treat brain cancer

QV Bioelectronics Ltd is developing a pioneering electrotherapy implant for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme that aims to transform patient outcomes.

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The effect of fusion plasmas on the microstructure of tungstentantalum alloys

The University of Sheffield’s Arcast 200 Arc Melter has produced tungstentantalum alloys in complete solid solution using a novel processing method. This will be the focal point of research to investigate the effect of a nuclear fusion environment through helium plasma exposure and helium ion irradiation.

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Development of high energy density multilayer ceramic capacitors

The University of Sheffield’s Functional Materials and Devices (FMD) Group has utilised the expertise and equipment of the Henry Royce Institute to develop novel Lead Oxide (PbO)-free high energy density capacitors, which are currently undergoing prototype testing with UK-based multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) manufacturers.

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The effect of fusion plasmas on the microstructure of tungstentantalum alloys

The EPSRC funded Royce Industrial Collaboration Programme (ICP) has successfully matched companies that have research, development, and innovation (RD&I) projects with Royce experts in materials science and cutting-edge facilities in a truly collaborative endeavour. This case study illustrates the outcome of an ICP project between Johnson Matthey and Royce at Imperial College London.

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Validating novel silver technology for a greener, wasteless future

Metalchemy is a high growth, UK-based, clean-tech start-up,  focused on developing solutions to reduce food waste, resulting in both economic and environmental savings. Incorporating Metalchemy’s silver technology into food packaging materials delivers superior antimicrobial properties, improved barrier characteristics, and enhanced thermal stability. Through the Royce SME Equipment Access scheme Metalchemy was able to undertake important characterisation to assess the adherence of integration methods in packaging materials.

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Sustainable Replacements for Coal Tar Pitch Binders used in the Foundation Industries

Building upon a deep established academic-Morgan collaboration, this ICP-Royce funding has allowed us to explore the use of wood tar biopitch (WTB) as a sustainable replacement for coal tar pitch (CTP), which is used throughout the foundation industries as a carbonisable/graphitizable binder.  

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ReCon² is a University of Manchester spin-out initiative developing a low cost, simple, and quantitative method of verifying recycled content in plastic items through the incorporation of low quantities of fluorescent tracer molecules.

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This study evaluated the cutting speed and surface finish of BN, SiC, alumina, and diamond blades and slurries for wire cutting of LaFeSi intermetallic for magnetocaloric cooling.

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This project focused on development of novel tungsten-carbide coatings for potential use as alternative electrocatalysts to produce green hydrogen by direct seawater electrolysis. 

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 Novel Device Fabrication Techniques to Accelerate Quantum Networking

Supporting the development of superior quantum optics to improve the efficiency, fidelity & speed of Quantum Computing and Quantum Networks, through access to state-of-the-art facilities.

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Supporting the development of the next generation of small, reliable, and energy-efficient devices through the Royce industrial collaboration programme to deliver fully functional samples and reduce C02.

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Ultimate Erosion-resistant Solutions for Wind Turbines

Edge erosion is a leading concern in wind turbines and represents a major fraction of the maintenance cost. The results of this project demonstrate that the deposition of nanostructured nickel is a promising approach to avoid erosion.

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Structural materials and meta-data for thermochemical electrolysis

The project developed database and informatics (data classification, machine learning algorithm, relationship between materials and information) for high temperature thermochemical electrolysis.

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Mechanistic understanding of solid oxide cell (SOC) electrode aging using multiscale characterisation

Solid oxide cells (SOCs) are the cleanest and most efficient technology among the electrochemical energy conversion devices. This project has significantly improved our understanding of the air electrode degradation mechanism solving issues in SOC durability and reliability and assisting development of a lifetime prediction model, minimising the barriers to commercialisation.

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Multimodal, Operando Raman and X-ray Spectroscopies of Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials (MORSE)

This project has developed new capability in the UK for performing multimodal operando Optical and X-ray characterisation of battery materials.

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Enabling Portable, Rapid Diagnostics at Point-of-Care

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need for point-of-care diagnostics that match the accuracy of lab techniques. Through Royce’s Industrial Collaboration Project (ICP), ProtonDx successfully integrated a screen-printed material and deposition of a bio-reagent on a microchip to demonstrate 10-well pathogen multiplexing on a single cartridge. This platform has the potential to transform the diagnostic landscape in the UK and in remote settings.

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Custom CMOS wafer with screen printed layers for bio-reagents deposition

Optimising Surface Functionalisation for Enhanced Biopharma Analysis

Through Royce’s Industrial Collaboration Project (ICP) and in partnership with the University of Cambridge, Abselion (formerly trading as HexagonFab) has developed a novel method for biopharmaceutical analytics. This project has led to the development of a standardisation process that has been validated by pilot customers.

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Developing A Novel Tomography System for Improved Materials Visualisation

Adjacency Group, a business working with sustainable composite / nano-material technologies for consumer and automotive markets have developed a novel tomography system to integrate sensor data into a deeper and richer visualisation of material state with the support of funding from the Royce Industrial Collaboration Programme.

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Supporting the Development of Low-loss Electronics through Harsh Chemical Environmental Testing for Semi-Conductor Materials

In this project, the research team demonstrated capabilities that highlight the impact of gaseous AMCs on semiconductor materials through controlled contamination and subsequent defect characterisation. The development of the technology is integral for enabling efficient UK manufacturing and supporting the rapid development of new technologies such as low-loss electronics.

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Developing A Novel Composite Cure Monitoring Solution Using Customised Graphene Inks

DZP Technologies and the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) collaborated towards development of a novel composite cure monitoring solution using customised conductive inks.

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Developing Improved Aluminium Scrap Classification for Efficient Recycling

In this work, the University of Warwick, collaborating with Total Metal Recovery Ltd, applied computer-vision-based methods to classify the grade of commercial aluminium scraps, for both pre-shredded and shredded scraps.

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Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing Methodology Optimisation for Qualification of Aerospace Alloys (HOPTIMAL)

Testing materials in relevant service conditions in contact with hydrogen is fundamental to certify materials for the hydrogen economy. The HOPTIMAL project aimed to compare electrochemical and thermal charging techniques in their effect on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel.

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