Nuclear Power Plant

Women in Nuclear

Date :
05 May 2022
Time :
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Event Type :

The Women in Nuclear UK (WiN) organisation have partnered with the Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy Futures to provide opportunities to students to learn about careers in the nuclear industry.

The partnership will comprise a series of seminars where senior figures in the industry will talk about their backgrounds and distill their experience into practical advice about where to look for jobs and the types of roles that are available.

While the talks will be of value to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the industry, the content will have a focus on the experiences and opportunities for women as it is very important that the nuclear industry attracts and retains more female professionals over the coming decade.

All are welcome to these talks, and we thank WiN for generously lending their time and efforts to our community.


The next seminar will take place Thursday 5th May 2022 14:00-15:30 on Microsoft Teams.

The topic of the seminar will be Parenthood and Advanced Technologies: Caring for young children and contributing to innovation.  If you would like an invitation please contact Dr Jon Tate –

14:00 Mark Wenman Welcome (Imperial)

14:05 – 14:10 Creshia Jones a brief word on WiN and event agenda (WiNUK/RR-SMR)

14:10 – 14:20 Sam Humphry-Baker Parenthood (Imperial)

14:20 – 14:30 Andrew Knight Parenthood (RR-SMR)

14:30 – 14:40 Matthew Mousley Parenthood (UKAEA)

14:40 – 14:45 Questions

14:45 – 14:55 Elina Militello Asp Fusion Energy (UKAEA)

14:55 – 15:05 Vicky Scott RR-SMR Manufacturing Technology (SMR)

15:05 – 15:20 Questions

15:20 – 15:25 Creshia Jones UKAEA/RR-SMR recruitment opportunities

15:25 – 15:30 Mark Wenman Close (Imperial)

Sam Humphry-Baker is an Early Career Researcher in the Department of Materials and an advocate for Shared Parental Leave (SPL). Two years ago he became a first-time parent and took 3 months of SPL to care for his daughter. Sam will share his experiences of parenthood and how they relates to the challenges of academia.

Creshia Jones is Nuclear Safety Case and Licensing Lead for RR-SMR. Creshia has spent the past 7 years working in nuclear, 6 of these in the defence industry. RR-SMR is just about to enter the GDA phase for the British designed Small Modular Reactor. Creshia is a mum of two and is passionate for driving equality across the nuclear sector.

Andrew Knight is a chartered physicist with extensive knowledge of nuclear safety methods, reactor systems design and behaviour modelling, reactor operation, and systems and thermal hydraulic performance. Andrew will be speaking about nuclear safety engineering and parenthood. “Both inspire me and will have lasting legacy that make me work passionately”.

Elina Militello Asp is Transport and Scenario Modelling Group Leader at UK Atomic Energy Authority.  A physicist with over 20 years’ experience in fusion plasma physics research and who has worked at several national laboratories across Europe,  Elina is currently leading a highly complex modelling project to improve the understanding of how to best operate ITER, a critical next-step multi-billion international fusion experiment that is being built in France. In her talk, Elina will present the current time line for putting green fusion energy on the electrical grid and predictions on the initial plasma operations in ITER. Elina is a mum of two and is driving equality, diversity and inclusion across the nuclear sector,

Matt Mousley is Project Delivery Group Leader for Fusion Technology at the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Matt has spent the last 10 years in Nuclear at both Fission (R-R Submarines) and now Fusion at UKAEA. Matt has over 15 years of Project Management experience delivering complex projects which includes in the Nuclear sector; Decommissioning of old plant and building, construction of modern facilities, maintenance and plant life extensions. Previous to this Matt worked in Rail and Overhead Powerlines Matt is a father to Kilian and is an active member of many leadership projects to enhance diversity, equality and inclusion, including encouraging others in the business to participate and challenge their thinking. Matt will share his views on Fatherhood while holding a leadership position and supporting Mum and baby alongside a full-time job.

Vicky Scott  is a chartered engineer with over 20 years experience in High Value Manufacturing Engineering. Having spent the majority of her career in Defence and Civil Aerospace, she is now working on the Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactor programme as the Manufacturing Factory Design Manager. Victoria is married to John, mum to Charlotte, and as a family enjoy a love of the great outdoors.

Mark Wenman is the Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy Futures and Reader in Nuclear Materials in the Department of Materials, Imperial College LondonMark is a father of two and responsible for the CDT’s EDI and Outreach strategy. Mark is passionate about speaking about nuclear technology to members of the public, having most recently appeared on Channel 5 News and BBC News and appeared in print in The Guardian and The Times.