This year’s UK Energy Storage Conference (UKES 2019) will be hosted by Newcastle University from 3rd – 5th September. Focusing on the theme of Digitalisation of Storage, the conference brings together academics, industry partners and policymakers across the whole field of energy storage.
Energy storage capability at the Henry Royce Institute
Colleagues from the Henry Royce Institute at the University of Oxford will be showcasing equipment and expertise available to research and industry in the field of Energy Storage including:
- Atom Probe Tomography for nuclear reactor cladding
- SOBALT – Next-generation solid-state lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles
Dominic Spencer Jolly, DPhil student at the University of Oxford will present on Electrochemical Energy Storage on Tuesday 3rd September.
Confirmed Speakers
- Professor Simone Abram (Professor of Anthropology and DEI Co-Director in the Durham Energy Institute | Durham University)
- Professor Janusz Bialek (Professor of Power and Energy Systems | Newcastle University)
- Merlinda Andoni (Research Associate | Heriot-Watt University)
- Jim Cardwell (Head of Policy Development | Northern Powergrid)
- Professor Steve Caughey (Director of the National Innovation Centre for Data | Newcastle University)
- Dr Dénes Csala (Lecturer in Energy Storage System Dynamics | Energy Lancaster)
- Carl Ennis (Managing Director of Products and Systems | Siemens Smart Infrastructure)
- Dr Elizabeth Gibson (Reader in Energy Materials | Newcastle University)
- Dr Simon Lambert (Lecturer, Newcastle University)
- Professor Furong Li (Director of Centre for Sustainable Power Distribution | University of Bath)
- Professor John Moriarty (Professor of Mathematics | QMUL and Strategic Lead for Energy | Alan Turing Institute)
- Dr Myriam Neaimeh (Senior Researcher in Vehicle Grid Integration | Newcastle University)
- Professor Michael Pollitt (Professor of Business Economics | Judge Business School | University of Cambridge)
- Professor Ulrich Stimming (Professor of Physical Chemistry | Newcastle University)