Many researchers have key skills and characteristics that lend incredibly well to entrepreneurship. Curious, creative individuals who work on their passions. However, often researchers are cautious of the word ‘entrepreneur’ and unsure about whether stepping outside the comfort zone of research is for them.
In this webinar, Emily Clements will debunk the myths about entrepreneurship and discuss what it really means to think like an entrepreneur. Based on the results from her research in the Neuroscience of Entrepreneurship and prior work with teams of scientists looking to become entrepreneurs, this talk will be a deep dive into how to develop the right mindset make the transition from researcher to entrepreneur.
Take part in the Entrepreneurial Brain Challenge before the webinar here if you would like to be able to compare your own results to the skills and personality elements that will be mentioned.
About the Speaker
Emily is currently completing a PhD in Neuroimaging. She has a Masters in cognitive neuroscience, and an ongoing interest to understand how people think and relate this to the neural activity in their brain. Alongside her research she works as a freelance consultant, so that neuroscience insights can be used to better understand behaviour in the workplace. She has also translated her research into understandable insights in several podcasts and blogposts. Her current research focuses on the Neuroscience of Entrepreneurship. This is a collaboration between the Entrepreneurship Institute and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London, aiming to uncover if there is something different in the brain of those who think entrepreneurially.