The University of Manchester will host a seminar giving an overview of work done at the University of Toronto for creating next-generation flexible sensors, with a particular focus on healthcare applications.
It will span conducting polymer-based sensors with self-health properties, piezroresistive sensors, electrodes and sensing in batteries and supercaps, and smart skins and textiles computing sensors.
Professor Hani Naguib | University of Toronto
Hani Naguib is a Professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Toronto Institute for Advanced Manufacturing TIAM. His research scope encompasses the area of advanced materials and manufacturing and enabling materials and technologies. His major expertise is in the area of smart and active materials; nanostructured polymers and composites; and bio-based materials. His group has applied these materials in a range of industrial and health care technologies such as smart sensors and actuators, energy management materials, batteries and supercapacitors, artificial muscles, smart textiles, biomedical and clinical devices. The main goal of his research program is to develop sustainable and transformational materials and manufacturing for the energy management, and health care sectors.