RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group Annual Meetings
Annual meetings of the group are designed to promote biomaterials chemistry research and development, enhance existing links, foster new collaborations, and spread expertise. Meetings give participants the opportunity to present new work, discuss data and help to shape the future of research in this important and vibrant area of chemistry.
Keynote SpeakersÂ
Prof. Julie Gough, University of Manchester – Self-assembling peptide hydrogels for tissue engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. De Laporte, RWTH Aachen University – tbc
Prof. Matt Gibson, University of Warwick – Sugars and Polymers; Engineering cell surfaces and detecting viral pathogens
Dr. Sherif Elsharkawy, King’s College London – Bio-inspired Strategies to Develop Hierarchical Mineralization
Dr. Jacek Wychowaniec, AO Research Institute, Davos – Responsive Hydrogels: Towards Spatiotemporally Controllable Biomaterials
Abstract submission
Abstracts for oral (10 min + 5 min questions) and poster presentations (pre-recorded 3 min flash presentations) will be accepted.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 Nov 2021
Registration Deadline: 15 Dec 2021
More information on the RSC Meeting Flyer
RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group
The RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group was set up in 2005 to provide a focus for groups in UK universities and industry working on the synthesis and characterisation of biomaterials. The group aims to enhance the understanding of the chemistries underlying the use of biomaterials in applications including prostheses, drug delivery and regenerative medicine.