NTPMI Workshop: Active EM Facilities and Best Practice for Nuclear Materials

Date :
04 March 2025
Time :
All Day
Location :
Royce Hub Building
Event Type :
NTPMI Training

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Date: 4th March 2025

Format: Hybrid

Location: Royce Hub Manchester

Cost: Free


As part of the National Technical Platform for Materials Innovation (NTPMI), UK National Nuclear Laboratory (UKNNL) will lead a technical workshop on Electron Microscopy Characterisation of Active Nuclear Materials and deliver an introduction to the UK Nuclear Industry.

The aim of this event is to share technical expertise on the characterisation of nuclear materials, provide an insight into the nuclear industry (active equipment and hot cells), and share recent case studies of user access at UKNNL. The event has been designed with a view to assisting Research Technical Professionals (RTPs) in understanding requirements for access to different UKNNL facilities, to develop a network of interested RTPs, and benefit from learning from previous access cases. The session will include presentations from University of Manchester RTPs discussing active Electron Microscopy equipment.

The workshop will also include a session scoping future UKNNL-NTPMI activities, ensuring that these are designed to fill knowledge gaps identified by the RTP community. Prior to the event a questionnaire will be sent out to participants in order to provide relevant data for analysis during the workshop.

The workshop will be held in person with the option to join online to ensure maximum participation. Attendees will be encouraged to bring a poster of their facilities/research to present during the lunch break.

Background and motivation

This workshop will act as the kick-off session for ongoing UKNNL NTPMI activities. The main driver of this session is to bring nuclear materials focussed RTPs together to discuss best practise concerning electron microscopy of active nuclear materials and to shape future UKNNL-focussed NTPMI activities.


The workshop is aimed at Research Technical Professionals working in the nuclear industry/material characterisation in the UK. This will include 10-20 in person and ~20 online participants via teams.

Learning outcomes

After the course participants should be able to:

  • Describe active Electron Microscopy methods to characterise active nuclear materials with a recognition of best practice
  • Identify access routes to use appropriate UKNNL and Royce partner facilities
  • Define knowledge gaps within the nuclear materials RTP community and discuss opportunities that can be facilitated by UKNNL-NTPMI
  • Contribute knowledge and experiences to a UK network for nuclear materials RTPs


Download the full programme