The National Graphene Institute at The University of Manchester will host a webinar on Moire Samples: The twisted bilayer graphene scenario as part of their Condensed Matter Theory Seminar Series on 27 Jan 2021.
Prof B Andrei Bernevig from the University of Princeton will present a full theory of the interacting insulating phases of twisted bilayer graphene around the first magic angle where the bandwidth of the “active” bands becomes very small. The seminar will show that the single particle Hamiltonian is fully anomalous: it contains stable topology for every set of bands. Furthermore, Prof Bernevig will analyze the Coulomb interaction and obtain exact insulating ground states as well as the full excitation spectrum in certain limits.
Zoom link:
Speaker Bio: Professor Bogdan Andrei Bernevig
Prof Bernevig is a Professor of Physics at Princeton University, United States. He works on high-temperature superconductivity in the iron-based superconductors. These materials, discovered a year and a half ago, have broken the monopoly of cuprates on high-temperature superconductors. Their pairing symmetry, pairing mechanism, nature of local VS itinerant electrons, and other overwhelming parts of their physics are not known. Along with his collaborators, he has predicted the pairing symmetry in these materials to be a novel-type of s-wave.