The Advanced Characterisation of Energy Materials is co-hosted by FutureCat and the Henry Royce Institute at the University of Sheffield. It follows on from the successful events held in Sheffield over the past two years.
The event will showcase Advanced Characterisation facilities and expertise, and spark new collaborations as a result of the event.
The programme of speakers include:
Professor Nigel Browning, Director of the Albert Crewe Centre for Electron Microscopy at the University of Liverpool
Dr Siân Dutton, University of Cambridge, Reader in Physics and Solid State Chemistry at the Cavendish Laboratory, and a Research Theme leader on the FutureCat project.
Professor Beverley Inkson, Professor of Nanostructured Materials and Director of the Sheffield NanoLAB and a Research Theme Leader on the FutureCat project at the University of Sheffield
Professor Louis Piper, Professor of Electrochemical materials at University of Warwick
Dr Christine Bock, National Research Council, Canada
Our special guests for a panel discussion in the afternoon include:
Professor Andy Beale, Chief Scientific Officer at Finden
Gareth Hinds, Fellow and Science Area Leader in Electrochemistry at NPL
Paolo Melgari, Principal Scientist, Centre for Process Innovation (CPI)
Professor Andrea Russell, Professor of Physical Electrochemistry, University of Southampton
Focus on Capabilities session (12.20 p.m. – 1.00 p.m.)
There are offering two parallel capability sessions from Bruker and Malvern Panalytical during the event. You can choose a session to attend via your Eventbrite registration.
How AFMs are used for characterisation of next generation energy and storage materials.
The Bruker practical session will explore the application of atomic force microscopy based techniques in characterisation of next generation energy and storage materials. Bruker AFM application scientist will perform a live demonstration on the electrical conductivity of graphene based structures using the Dimension IconXR AFM, as well as cover a range of techniques used for electrical and electrochemical characterisation of energy and storage materials.
Live demonstration of high-quality in operando X-ray diffraction analysis of pouch cell lithium-ion batteries
In this session, Malvern Panalytical will give an introduction and live demonstration of in situ and in operando measurements with an Empyrean X-ray diffraction system. Pouch cell batteries can be used in combination with hard X-rays in transmission geometry to perform in situ and in operando studies during charge/discharge cycles and for aging studies. It is then possible to correlate variations in the crystallographic structure of the elements in the cell directly with the amount of Lithium incorporated in the electrodes. Moreover, the efficiency of the GaliPIX3D detector can considerably improve data quality and collection speed compared to traditional Si based detectors.