
Events at the Henry Royce Institute

And from around the Materials Community

Corrosion @ Manchester Conference

03 April 2023 - 04 April 2023
All Day

The 2-day meeting reflects both the history of the subject and celebrates the opening of the new corrosion labs.

Event Type: Conference

Lead Partner:University of Manchester

Location: MECD, Engineering Building A

Metals: Pioneering Materials

04 April 2023 - 10 June 2023
2:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Metals: Pioneering Materials unravels the histories of different metals, investigates their origins and identifies the reasons why they have come to surround us in contemporary life.

Event Type: Exhibition

Lead Partner:none

Applied Diffraction Refinement Course
01 September 2023    
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
X-ray powder diffraction is one of the most common in-house characterisation methods, with its application being of interest for samples including metals, ceramics, mastery materials and pharmaceuticals, Dr Lewis Owen has devised a course aimed at arming delegates with the knowledge and skills to devise their own diffraction refinement work.
Henry Royce Institute National Conference 2023
06 September 2023 - 07 September 2023    
All Day
Join the Henry Royce Institute for our flagship National Conference 2023, Collaborate to Innovate, to explore the impact of materials innovation and understand more about how important collaboration across industry and academia is transforming businesses and industries.
Royce Imaging and Characterisation Showcase
06 September 2023 - 07 September 2023    
All Day
The Showcase will promote Royce Imaging and Characterisation capabilities from across the Partnership, embracing our state-of-the-art equipment which can probe the structure, composition, and mechanical properties of all materials from macro down to nanoscale.
Faraday Institution Conference 2023
11 September 2023 - 13 September 2023    
All Day
Join the Faraday Institute from Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 September 2023 at the University of Birmingham’s Teaching and Learning Centre for what will be their largest and most open science dissemination and networking event to date.
International Workshop on 'Near-field Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy'
12 September 2023 - 13 September 2023    
All Day
This multidisciplinary event will bring together researchers working on optical nano-imaging and nano-spectroscopy with applications in a range of systems from solid state to biology. Techniques such as s-SNOM, nanoFTIR, AFM-IR and other tip-enhanced methods will be discussed
Recycling & Waste Management Expo 2023
13 September 2023 - 14 September 2023    
All Day
The Resource & Waste Management Expo (RWM) is the UK’s premier event for professionals working in the recycling, resource, waste, and broader environmental services industry. RWM invites participants to engage in critical discussions, explore ground-breaking green technologies, and to utilise the event as an international springboard for innovative waste and resource solutions that address the world’s environmental challenges.
UK Metals Expo
13 September 2023 - 14 September 2023    
All Day
Join Royce at the University of Sheffield at the UK Metals Expo 2023. The entire metals supply chain will be represented from primary metal manufacture, supply chain management, processing metals, fabrication, surface coatings and recycling with industry experts, leading vendors and trade attendees.
Fibre Technology Platform Showcase Event
19 September 2023    
All Day
The first Henry Royce Institute ‘Fibre Technology Platform Showcase’ will introduce Royce equipment and capabilities to a wide audience, including both academia and industry. The event will feature talks from academics and industrial providers related to fibre technology research and development (i.e. commercial delivery/production and case studies of academic innovation). This will be followed by a facilities tour - including wet and melt spinning lines, the nanofibers to devices suite with pilot-scale production capability and melt-electrospinning.
Twistronics of 2D materials: from modelling to real systems
20 September 2023 - 22 September 2023    
All Day
National Graphene Institute (NGI) are running a workshop ‘Twistronics of 2D Materials: from modelling to real systems’. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers from different modelling communities and experimentalists to discuss recent advances in the field of twistronics as well as future directions.
Introduction to Intellectual Property: Shaped for Materials Science
26 September 2023    
10:00 am - 11:00 am
In this webinar, Henry Shine and Neal Pollock, patent attorneys at Wilson Gunn, will provide a beginner-friendly overview of the main intellectual property rights and concepts applicable to the field of materials science. The aim is to help viewers better understand and navigate the path to research commercialisation, through a description of real-world case studies to show how the theory was put into practice for previous materials science innovations.
Stand Out Skills | An Introduction to Standards
27 September 2023    
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Stand Out Skills is a webinar series for early career researchers working in materials science disciplines. Hosted by experts, each episode will explore useful presentation, communication, or career skills for researchers which aren’t normally taught as a part of traditional education pathways for materials scientists.
Sustainable Futures Seminar Series
28 September 2023    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Our September edition of the monthly Sustainable Futures Seminar Series will be held on Thursday 28th September 2-3pm.This event will discuss the 'One Bin to Rule Them All' project, led by The University of Manchester alongside 17 companies and local and national authorities.
Events on 01 September 2023
Events on 06 September 2023
Events on 11 September 2023
Events on 12 September 2023
Events on 13 September 2023
UK Metals Expo
13 Sep 23
Events on 19 September 2023
Events on 20 September 2023
Events on 27 September 2023
Events on 28 September 2023