Heat treatment

A range of furnaces up to 2200 deg C

  • Partner:The University of Manchester
  • Facility:Coatings Cluster
  • Availability:Available
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Detailed Description

We have a selection of ovens, box and tube furnaces capable of heating and sintering, predominantly ceramic materials, between 1000 and 2200 deg C. Gases which can be used with some of these systems include Argon, Nitrogen, compressed air and Helium.


Our research focus is to examine degradation of ceramic coatings/layers in harsh environments, applications include: thermal barrier coatings for aeroengines and power generation; ceramic coatings for nuclear industry applications; ceramic layers for battery applications.

Equipment in use includes:

Carbolite rapid heating furnace, RHF 14/35
Vacuatherm furnace 2200°C
Carbolite chamber furnace CWF 13/13
CM Thermal Cycling
Carbolite STF/180
Elite Vacuum Tube Furnace, TSH16/50/450
Lenton 1700 box furnace
Carbolite tube three zoned furnace TZF1800
Carbolite chamber furnace 12/13
Vacuum oven
Lenton tube furnace LFT 12/75/750
High velocity steam system
Carbolite tube furnace TF3 16/100/600
Lenton 1700
Carbolite Rapid heating furnace RHF 14/03
Carbolite HTF 17/10
Neware battery testing system BTS 5v10mA (2) and 5V50mA (1), 24 channels in total for battery charge-discharge cycling
VersaSTAT 3
Princeton Applied Research for battery electrochemistry
MTI Hydraulic Crimper for All Types of Coin Cells
Inert Glovebox filled with Argon
MTI tape casting film coater
MTI rolling/calendaring machine
MTI Coin cell Disc cutter
Vacuum oven Townson and Mercer 1445-2
Microbalance Kern and Sohn GMBH ABT 100-5NM