Raith e-LINE 30 keV/Agilent 4287A

E-Beam Lithography Suite (E-beam Writer)

The eLINE Plus is the optimum system for a broad bandwidth of nanofabrication applications with a single multifunctional electron beam lithography (EBL) system.

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Detailed Description

The advanced lithography infrastructure of eLINE Plus supports both ultra-high-resolution electron beam lithography and large-area nanofabrication. Moreover, eLINE Plus’ multifunctionality unites the worlds of electron beam lithography, nanoengineering, ultra-high resolution, and large-area SEM imaging, including dedicated features for metrology and process control.

eLINE Plus provides the following smart building blocks and concepts:

  • Advanced 30 kV TFE electron optical column technology

  • Innovative and unique stitch-error-free writing strategies

  • Dedicated features for automated waferscale metrology and process control

  • Laser Interferometer Stage

  • Multiple detector concept

  • Multiport vacuum chamber

  • Open and upgradable platform concept

  • Raith NanoSuite: comprehensive software interface with all modules fully integrated

The eLINE Plus is designed for ultimate flexibility and versatility in the field of multi-technique in-situ nanofabrication beyond classical electron beam lithography. Fully equipped with all nanoengineering options, the tool philosophy is aligned with the workflow “fabricate, relocate, modify, measure”.



-5-30 kV beam energies,100um write field size, >2nm stiching error, 7.5-120um beam appatures, common to achive 20nm feature size with 10nm gaps, 3D SEM stage for angled sample inspection, >5nm SEM resolution.