CVD/PVD suite

Chemical vapour deposition, Physical vapour deposition

  • Partner:The University of Manchester
  • Facility:Coatings Cluster
  • Availability:Available
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Detailed Description

A range of custom built systems are available which enable the coating of metals or oxides by CVD. Including fluid bed, horizontal SiC and CVI and ebeam. This process enables a unique degree of control over structural features such as size and surface texture of support particles and size and number density of supported metal particles or the thickness of oxide shells.


Our research focus is to examine degradation of ceramic coatings/layers in harsh environments, applications include: thermal barrier coatings for aeroengines and power generation; ceramic coatings for nuclear industry applications; ceramic layers for battery applications.

Equipment in use includes:

Custom fluid bed chemical vapour deposition system
Horizontal SiC chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
Custom aluminide coating chemical vapour deposition system
Twin electron beam dual evaporant source plasma vapour deposition system (EB-PVD)