Bruker - PUMA S2

Benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

The Bruker PUMA S2 is a benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer capable of measuring the elemental composition of a sample with Z>Na

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Detailed Description

The Bruker PUMA S2 benchtop ED-XRF quantifies the elemental composition of a sample via X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The instrument is capable of measuring liquids, powders and solids in a vacuum, helium or air. The SMART.QUANT calibration lets us semi-quantitatively measure all elements after sodium (Z>Na) in the periodic table, and for fast comparative analysis it is ideal.


Suitable for loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads, and liquids.
We have fused bead making and pellet pressing capabilities on site.
Common materials: Cements, raw materials, feedstock, glasses, metals & alloys,
Common uses: Feedstock purity, quality control, alloy compositional analysis, canning removal confirmation, impurity identification, trace element identification

  • Suitable for loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads, and liquids
  • Elemental range : Na to Am
  • Concentration range: ppm to 100%
  • Ag anode, 50W max.
  • 20 position sample changer
  • Highsense detector
  • 8mm & 34mm collimator masks
  • Air, helium and vacuum modes
  • Integrated touchscreen