Professor Francis Livens
Professor of Radiochemistry
Francis is Professor of Radiochemistry in Manchester, with broad research interests across the nuclear fuel cycle, particularly management of plutonium and nuclear materials. He teaches undergraduates and also on the NTEC MSc and GREEN/Saturn Centre for Doctoral Training. He was Director of the Dalton Nuclear Institute from 2017 to 2024.
He has supported Government in many aspects of nuclear energy and security. These activities have included membership of the UK Government Committee on Radioactive Waste Management from 2007 to 2016, and he is currently Chair of the Nuclear Innovation & Research Advisory Board advising Government on High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors, and a Non-Executive Director of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. In his NDA role, he has specific interests in the integration of technology and innovation across the NDA mission.
Francis is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Chemistry and Member of the Institute of Strategic Studies.