Peter Petrov
Principal Scientist and the Head of the Thin Film Technology Laboratory
Dr Peter K Petrov is a Principal Scientist at the Dept. of Materials and a Royce Technology Platform Lead for Diverse thin film device manufacture (Henry Royce Institute). He has more than 25 years of experience in the deposition and nanostructuring of thin film multilayer structures and devices. He authored more than 100 high-impact factor scientific papers with c. 2,500 citations (h=25), and five patent applications, which are now granted patents (two patents were transferred to Ericsson AB).
Dr Petrov leads an active research group of 3 PDRAs, 5 PhD students and 3 MSc students. His most recent research is on the development of plasmonic materials, nano enclosures for vaccine formulations, robust antimicrobial surfaces and devices for energy harvesting and biosensing.