Mr Si Dilks

Mr Si Dilks

Si has been working in public sector energy policy since 2004, in a variety of areas focused around regulation, innovation and international negotiations.

He has pottered, in a mostly virtual sense, around the world dealing with international energy policy, covering a multitude of subjects, technologies and countries, with a focus on South East Europe and Asia-Pacific (…and the Moon).

He has led on UK civil nuclear innovation policy since 2011 and has been a key player in developing a programme to re-invigorate the UK’s nuclear research landscape. He is currently responsible for the Advanced Nuclear Fund which covers both Small and Advanced Modular Reactor development, including the current phase of the Low Cost Nuclear Challenge.

He also has responsibility for the BEIS renewables innovation programme, including work of Floating Offshore Wind demonstration and Radar Mitigation.

By trade, he’s also a trained fishmonger.