Dr Jonathan Hyde
Champion: Nuclear Materials
Jonathan Hyde joined the nuclear industry in 1995 after completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oxford and working as a visiting research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He has since worked for UKAEA, AEA Technology and the National Nuclear Laboratory, taking on a number of roles including R&D and management. He is currently both Chief Technology Officer for the Reactor and Operations Support business and a Laboratory Fellow in Nuclear Materials.
In addition he is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford and a Visiting Professor for the Dalton Nuclear Institute at The University of Manchester. He has published more than 80 papers.
Jonathan is an expert on characterising the microstructure of materials and developing mechanistic understanding of radiation damage. He is active in expert peer review groups and is the Nuclear Science representative on the Diamond Industrial Science Committee (DISCo) which provides advice to the UK Diamond synchrotron facility. He is also secretary of the UK Radiation Embrittlement Forum (UKREF) and Technical Area Co-ordinator (TAC) for the International Group on Radiation Damage Mechanisms (IGRDM).