Dr Gabriella Pizzuto
Research Area Lead: Chemical Materials Design
Dr Gabriella Pizzuto is a Research Area Lead for the Royce Digital Chemical Materials Design Research Area. She is a Lecturer in Robotics and Chemistry Automation on a joint appointment across the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Liverpool. She is also a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and ECR Co-Chair on the EPSRC AI Hub in Chemistry (AIChemy).
She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science (2020) from the University of Manchester, where she was also a Marie-Sklodowska Curie early stage researcher and a visiting scholar at the University of Edinburgh and Italian Institute of Technology. She was then a postdoctoral research associate at the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, prior to joining the University of Liverpool as the lead research associate on the ERC Synergy Grant ‘Autonomous Discovery of Advanced Materials’ (ADAM) in the Cooper group. Gabriella leads a group developing and deploying learning-based methods for upskilling robotic scientists towards accelerating materials discovery. Her research interests lie within the intersection of robotics and applied machine learning, including multimodal robot skill learning and failure recovery methods for Chemistry laboratory environments, and safe human-robot collaboration.