Dr Aneeqa Khan

Dr Aneeqa Khan
Research Fellow/Lecturer

Aneeqa Khan is a Research Fellow in Fusion based at the University of Manchester. She completed a PhD in materials for fusion applications at the UoM, which was followed by postdoc positions at the ITER Organization and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics. Her research interests focus on materials and novel manufacturing processes for nuclear fusion. She is a co-author on the UK Fusion Materials Roadmap.

She is Co-Lead of Fusion Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) activities at Manchester and an associate director of the CDT. She is also lead for Outreach, media, and engagement for the new Fusion Power CDT.

She is a member of the Fusion Industry Taskforce, regularly contributes to high profile panels and interacts with media (including Al Jazeera, BBC, The Guardian) and policy makers on fusion and inclusion and diversity in STEM. She was invited to Nuclear in Parliament Week and to contribute to Government Office for Science Foresight Project.