The EPSRC has launched a call for Statements of Need for large scale infrastructures in order to identify ambitious, nationally important and potentially disruptive large-scale infrastructure opportunities that might be suitable for future submissions to the pan-UKRI Infrastructure Fund.
The capital requirement should be of sufficient scale that it would not currently fall under existing EPSRC mechanisms and in light of this opportunity, the Henry Royce Institute is facilitating a number of UK community discussions in areas where infrastructural support might be worthwhile.
A Compact Light Source (CLS) has been identified as an important technology that might benefit from EPSRC infrastructure investment and Royce has organised this virtual workshop to consider the scientific capabilities and opportunities it offers.
The workshop is open to all those interested in the possibilities offered by a CLS including, for example, life and medical sciences, food sciences, palaeontology and cultural heritage to name a few.
The workshop will first present and discuss the technical options after which attendees will break into groups to consider the potential and science applications compact light sources offer in the areas of:
- Imaging / Computed Tomography
- Diffraction
- Scattering
- Spectroscopy
In each of these groups we will look at the potential capabilities and provide a forum for people to put forward potential applications and ask questions. We’ll then reconvene to discuss whether the community would like to move to the next stage and develop a statement of need.
It is important to note that these discussions will focus on possible infrastructure options and scientific opportunities and needs, rather than, for example, possible locations or delivery routes. Hopefully this will provide an opportunity for the community to agree on next steps, if any, in response to the infrastructure call.
Please note that first infrastructure case submissions need to be submitted by January 18th 2021
You can join the workshop here:
The workshop will involve Lyncean Technologies as a key provider of Compact Light Source technologies, but other options can of course be considered. Please note workshop delegates are also invited to make a short presentation, either on the capabilities of such sources or to potential applications.
Please feel free forward this event more widely to anyone who might be interested. Further involvement is encouraged from both junior and senior researchers.
We’re looking forward to an interesting workshop and exploring the possibilities.