Energy Carrying Systems
This Vision is focused on sustainable and innovative energy carrying systems that have reduced weight, size and cost and can operate in specific environmental conditions.
Listen to the Vision lead David Grant, Propulsion Futures Beacon Director and Professor of Materials Science at the University of Nottingham talking about this topic on the video below.
- Overview of Beacon and Energy Carrying Systems Vision – Professor Amalia Patané, School of Physics & Astronomy
- Dr David Ainsworth, Chief Technology Officer, Oxis Energy
- Dr Lee Johnson, Dr Graham Newton, Dr Darren Walsh – School of Chemistry
- Craig Chapling, Project Manager, The Faraday Institution
- Panel Q&A
- For further information about this Vision visit our website.
Through a series of Industry and Academic Forums we would like to create an environment that brings together researchers from academia and industry, with diverse experience and activities in distinct, yet complementary areas, to discuss the development of research and collaborative projects. We will also share the progress, achievements, and investments that the Beacon has made so far and open the discussion on a range of themes that cumulate to drive greener transport forward.
About the organiser
The overall aspiration of the Propulsion Futures Beacon is to be a key player in providing the ‘propulsion system of the future’, based on sustainable materials, which will enable sustainable and responsible travel technologies in the aerospace, automotive and marine sectors
It will achieve this by delivering the following:
- Research with Impact delivered to the aerospace, automotive and marine industries through the demonstrators, industrial buy-in, partnerships and innovative research.
- Develop an enhanced and vibrant early career researcher community through PhDs, PDRAs, Fellowships and key appointments. There is a clear Beacon objective to grow successive cohorts of new Research Leaders who will take forward new research in subsequent decades.
- State-of-the-art facilities: full-scale demonstrators and laboratories will maintain our research competitiveness, push technology forward, and will be a driver for collaborative research.
- Improved research metrics by increasing the proportion of 4* outputs returned in REF2021 and REF2028 to the General Engineering, Physics and Chemistry Units of Assessment.
- The UoN investment of £13m in new equipment, demonstrator platforms and excellent researchers will be used to leverage additional grants and awards from a full range of funders, with a target of £40m by 2023.
- A combined Scientific and Engineering Programme that will seek integrate activities across the University’s campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia campuses tapping into expertise and local economic and financial drivers, and will grow collaborations with UK and international partners in Higher Education and in industry.