The Formulation Science and Technology interest group (FST) of the Royal Society of Chemistry are organising a conference on Formulating Functional Films and Coatings.
This will be held in Online on Wednesday August 19th 2020.
This conference is the third in an occasional series, following FFFC in 2015 and FFFC2 in 2019.
There is a lot of talk about smart and functional materials as a new / unique materials at present, however in reality most coatings have always achieved multi-functional properties and hence had to overcome significant formulation challenges to get the optimum balance of properties and it is these skills which are now allowing people to add in the headline properties that are “smart”. FFFC3 will focus on organic coatings providing functionality and protection.
The nature of this area is such that expertise does not reside in one sector but across many sectors as well as both in industry and academia. The meeting will provide an opportunity for industrialists to learn both from peers in other industries, but also from academics who are providing knowledge of the fundamental science and for academics to gain insight into key industrial challenges.
The meeting will also be an opportunity to learn about the outcomes of the SUSTICOAT Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network. SUSTICOAT, SUSTainably Improved COATings, had 5 early stage researchers embedded with different AkzoNobel coating development groups in Europe while studying for PhDs at The University of Manchester.
The Event Website can be found here, including further information on the programme and the venue.
Organising Committee
Professor Flor Siperstein, The Univrsity of Manchester / RSC FST
Dr Simon Gibbon, AkzoNobel Research & Development, Northallerton / RSC FST
Dr Philip Gill, Cranfield University
Simon Gibbon –