Leica Microsystems UK Ltd. SP8X Deep In Vivo Explorer (DIVE) Multi-photon confocal microscope

Leica SP8 Confocal Fluorescence Microscope

High resolution imaging of fluorophore labelled cells on a wide range of biomedical materials, surfaces and scaffolds.

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Detailed Description

Fully integrated system without the need for manual changing of filter blocks therefore making this microscope ideal for a multi-user environment with varied expertise. It has fluorescence lifetime imaging capability and a pulsed white light laser with 200 laser lines. The IR laser is ideal for FLIM in deep tissue samples while the white light laser is ideal for visible FLIM applications such as protein-protein interactions and FLIM-FRET measurements.


3D imaging of cells on materials; In-vivo imaging, dynamic (time-lapse) studies; imaging of other fluorescent samples; FLIM, FRET

Microscope: DM6 CFS upright fixed stage microscope (manually adjustable in height) with Scientifica motorised movable base plate platform (MMBP)
Objectives: 10x dry; 25 x dipping, 40 x oil, 63 x oil
Lasers: 405 diode; White light laser 200 lines 470-670nm; IR extended wavelength laser 680-1300nm