Thermo Fisher iCAP RQ ICP-MS with Prepfast 4DX autosampler


ICP-MS is capable of measuring metals and several non-metal cations at ppb to ppt (mg to ng per L) concentrations in aqueous solutions.

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Detailed Description

ICP-MS is a very varsatile technique that uses inductively coupled plasma to ionise an aqueous sample, which is then atmoised, separated by the mass spectrometer and detected. This allows a large number of analytes of interest to be detected rapidly in a sample at low concentrations (ppb to ppt levels). The PrepFast 4DX autosampler allows a high throughput of samples per day. Solid samples can also be analysed provided that they are soluble in acidic media.


It can be used to measure samples from a variety of industries, including but not limited to, environmental samples and monitoring, biomedical applications, metallurgy, geochemical analysis, nuclear science.

Minimum sample volume: 10 mL

Minimum solid sample mass: 0.5 g

Working environment: Standard laboratory. ICP-MS operates plasma at approximately 6000 °C and mass spectrometer operates under vacuum. Autosampler: air, room temperature

Measurement modes: Standard mearurement mode (STD) and kinetic energy disrimination mode (KED)

Number of samples per day: approximately 90 – 100