NNL invites you to PFIB capability open evening
The TESCAN XEIA3 is a high specification plasma focused ion beam (PFIB) and field emission gun – scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) endowed with a variety of detectors providing the UK with a powerful characterisation tool for active materials.
It is due for installation within NNL Central Laboratory early 2020.
The combination of a high-resolution (> 3500 m/z) SIMS, as well as a full complement of analytical hardware (EDS, EBSD) – including an EDS system with 1.1 Sr solid angle (Bruker FlatQUAD) – make the instrument one of the most analytically capable instruments in NNL’s electron microscopy group.
The NNL PFIB will be a national asset for the characterisation and preparation of active material samples in the UK. It will be the most versatile microscope in NNLs fleet of active electron microscopes. Compared to a Ga+ ion FIB, the PFIB is considerably faster (up to x 50) allowing for higher volume samples to be milled and analysed than previously possible.
Open Evenings
We invite interested academics and researchers to one of two informal open evenings where potential collaborations and research themes can be discussed in Cambridge, where the instrument has been temporarily installed at the Tecan’s UK base.
The open evenings are free of charge.
See the Royce equipment list for more detailed technical specifications on the TESCAN XEIA3
For further information, scan the barcode or please contact: michael.ward@uknnl.com