Hysitron TI premier


The Hysitron Ti Premier is a sophisticated nanoindenter engineered for precise nanoscale mechanical property measurements, including hardness and modulus. It provides exceptional control at low loads and superior spatial resolution compared to other micro-/nano-indenters.

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Detailed Description

The Hysitron TI Premier triboindenter is a nanoindenter used primarily to calculate the hardness and reduced modulus of diverse materials (e.g. from biological samples to diamond coatings). It surpasses other nanoindenters with its exceptional accuracy at low loads, making it ideal for characterizing delicate nanostructures and thin films. The Ti Premier also boasts a user-friendly setup for in-situ Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), allowing seamless integration and enhanced analysis capabilities.

Max. sample size: 150mm x 50mm x 50mm.

In-situ optics: 10x objective

Working environment: Air, room temperature.

Measurement modes and parameters:

Nanoindentation: Load range available 75 nN to 10 mN with low load head, up to 30 mN with high load head.

In-situ SPM imaging: Imaging force < 100 nN, Max. scan volume > 60 μm x 60 μm x 4 μm.