universal EC NMR Cell

Electrochemical Cell for Operando NMR Measurements

Attachment for Oxford Instruments X-Pulse Benchtop NMR with Broadband Probe

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Detailed Description

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy combined with electrochemical (EC) methods. This technique allows to acquire NMR spectra while controlling an electrical potential at working electrode, to characterize the electrochemically generated species.


In-situ Electrochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is a powerful method for structural analysis and dynamic investigation of chemical reaction systems. It provides an information about the concentration of reactants and products in real-time. It may also be used to study magnetoelectrolysis phenomenon (turbulence-inducing effect of the magnetic field on electrochemical reactions).

Only to be used with organic electrolytes

NMR tube outer diameter: 5 mm
CE material: 500 mm long, 0.6 mm dia. Platinum wire
RE material: 0.4 mm dia. recrystallized Silver wire
WE lead: 0.4 mm dia. Tantalum wire clip