Bruker - Contour Elite K

3D Optical Profiler

The Contour Elite K is a 3D optical profiler that uses white light interferometry for precise, non-contact surface measurements. It offers nanometer-scale resolution for rapidly analyzing roughness, texture, and step heights.

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Detailed Description

The Bruker Contour Elite 3D optical profilometer employs non-contact white light interferometry (WLI) technology, operating in both Vertical Scanning Interferometry (VSI) and Phase Shifting Interferometry (PSI) modes. This non-invasive method rapidly measures surface topography with high resolution, accommodating a wide variety of sample types and sizes. It can be used to examine a wide range of samples from 0.05% till 100% reflectivity, flat to rough and slopped surfaces, providing accurate measurements plus high-fidelity imaging. The system generates detailed 3D surface profiles for comprehensive material property analysis. With user-friendly software that simplifies setup and data interpretation, the Contour Elite is an essential tool for precise, efficient surface characterization in both research and industrial environments.

Max. sample size: The stage is 20 cm long, 10 cm wide. It can accept anything that can remain stable on the platform. Up to 10 cm thick.

Max. size of a single scan: ~ 2.9 mm x 2.4 mm, but stitching of multiple images is available.

Magnifications: 5x, 20x and 50x objectives, with integrated 0.55x, 1x and 2x lenses.

Light sources: White and green for VSI; Green for PSI.

Working environment: Air, at room temperature.

Imaging modes:

Vertical Scanning Interferometry (VSI): Best resolution in X-Y is 0.38 μm; resolution in Z is in the nanometer range; max. scanning speed in Z is 47 μm/s.

Phase Shifting Interferometry (PSI): Best resolution in X-Y is 0.38 μm; resolution in Z is in the sub-nanometer range; suitable for samples with <135 nm height difference between pixels.