Celllink 3D Printing

Training Course | 17 - 18 October

Royce Training: 3D Bioprinting for Healthcare Applications

Date :
17 October 2022 - 18 October 2022
Time :
All Day
Location :
Royce Hub Building
Event Type :

Registration is now closed.

About the event

This course will explore the use of 3D bioprinting techniques in the development and manufacture of bioengineered systems/devices for application in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Drug Development and other more traditional areas of healthcare. The programme will cover both the use of extrusion- and light-based printing processes. Both technologies operate in a layer-by-layer fashion enabling the generation of user-defined 3D constructs with complex geometries using a wide range of biomaterials in combination with living cells (i.e. bioinks). In spite sharing the same DNA, extrusion and light-assisted techniques differ significantly in terms of printing mechanisms, processable materials and planar resolution. Understanding these differences and the advantages/limitations of each process will allow researchers to confidently select the best printer for their own project.

Hear from experts already using bioprinting

Over the course of 2 days, participants will hear how clinical, industrial and academic experts are selecting and using bioprinting systems to tackle challenges in different healthcare settings. The presentations will offer a chance to learn about the current uses of the technology, where innovation is driving the field, and what future applications can be expected.

Learn how to fabricate complex in vitro models

Attendees will learn how to use different 3D bioprinting technologies and techniques to design and manufacture 3D in vitro models capable of mimicking the complex ECM microenvironment of living tissues and organs.

Hands-on training in small groups

There is the option for in-person participants to join group training sessions each afternoon of the course. Each group will be rotate through a series of bioprinting practical demonstrations and discussion sessions around experimental design and best practice. The number of participants is limited to 40 people to maximize hands-on experience with our light and extrusion-based printers.


The course is aimed at PhD students, clinicians, and research or application scientists seeking to use bioprinting technologies to develop novel healthcare solutions. Participants should have prior knowledge and experience in fields covering medicine, biotechnology, or materials science.

In addition to offering in-person attendance, Royce will stream and record the morning presentation sessions, allowing anyone with an interest to register and learn more.

Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to:

  • Understand the working principle, differences, advantages and limitations of light and extrusion-based bioprinters in a healthcare context.
  • Select the most suitable bioprinter (i.e. light or extrusion-based) for your project based on processable materials, resolution, cell compatibility among other requirements.
  • Design and print 3D constructs employing both light and extrusion-based systems and a range of different polymeric hydrogels.

Hands-On Training Content


Download the Event Programme

Collaborating companies

Cellink offer premium bioinks, bioprinters and services that enable critical breakthroughs in 3D cell culturing, tissue engineering and drug development.


Additive manufacturing technology with nano precision, innovative and customised solutions for industry and research, worldwide sales and highly professional service – this makes us stand out.



Henry Royce Institute

  • Dr Marco Domingos; Bioprinting Technology Platform Lead
  • Dr Ian Wimpenny; Research and Facility Manager
  • Tom Hancocks; Training and Skills Manager
  • Jen Adcott; Experimental Officer
  • Sophia Read, Emily Powell, Fraser Shields and Cerys Barclay; PhD students

CELLINK Bioprinting AB

  • Dr Andrew Ridley; Head of Sales, Europe
  • Alexandra Nasser; Sales Executive
  • Isabella Bondesson; Senior Application Specialist, European Team Lead
  • Dr Flore-Anne PoujadeĀ ; Field Application Specialist
  • Dr Pierre-Alexandre LaurentĀ ; Senior Application Scientist