This year, the UK Surface Analysis Forum (UKSAF) summer meeting took place July 13-14th at the Henry Royce Institute’s flagship Royce Hub Building in Manchester.
The annual summer meeting gathered the scientific and industrial surface analysis community from across the country to discuss the latest research and developments in the techniques and applications of surface analysis.
The focus was on secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS) but also emerging techniques such as atom probe tomography (APT) and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). Some academic and industrial speakers from Europe also presented.
The event was introduced by Royce CEO Professor David Knowles and Royce Head of Research and Business Engagement Dr Ania Jolly and featured a series of prizes and awards for achievements and impact in the field of surface analysis.
Dr Alison Crossley attended to present her eponymous prize, sponsored by the Institute of Physics Materials and Characterisation group. The Rivière Prize was presented by Dr Alex Shard (National Physical Laboratory), and the Castle, Vickerman and Seah prizes by UKSAF Chair Dr David Scurr (University of Nottingham).
Winners are listed below:
- Castle Prize (Best poster): Khadisha Zahra | University of Manchester
- Crossley Prize (Notable industrial applications): Yizhuo Ding | University of Manchester
- Seah Prize (Best overall presentation and poster): Dr Anna Kotowska | University of Nottingham
- Vickerman Prize (Major impact in the field of surface analysis): Dr Gustavo Ferraz Trindade | National Physical Laboratory
- Rivière Prize (Major impact on the surface analysis research community): Prof Wendy Flavell |University of Manchester
A poster session and industry exhibition in the Royce Hub Building foyer gave a platform for students and businesses to convene with the wider community, networking and exchanging views on current trends in the field.
The event featured tours of the Royce Hub Building Characterisation facilities including NanoSIMS, ToF-SIMS, P-NAME, TANIST and HAXPES facilities. These Royce facilities are accessible for academic and industrial users. Read more about access here.
Special thanks are given to the organisers of the event, Dr Katie L. Moore, Senior Lecturer in Materials Characterisation | University of Manchester and Henry Royce Institute Senior Technical Specialist Dr Ben F. Spencer.
The UK Surface Analysis Forum (UKSAF) meets twice yearly, in January and July, to discuss the latest research and developments of interest to the surface analysis community and to exchange views on current trends. In addition to these regular meetings the group collaborates with other scientific and industrial groups to promote and communicate the vital role played by surface analysis in both industry and academia.
To find out more about UKSAF visit the website or follow on twitter
Prize Winner Photos
Dr Gustavo Ferraz Trindade | National Physical Laboratory
Yizhuo Ding | University of Manchester
Khadisha Zahra | University of Manchester
Dr Anna Kotowska | University of Nottingham
Prof Wendy Flavell |University of Manchester