About this event
The 2022 Ceramic Innovation Network (CIN) event will bring together academics and industrialists from all subsectors of the ceramic industry seeking to explore the challenges of bridging the gap from the lab to product and developing the next generation.
CIN consists of the British Ceramic Confederation (BCC) and Lucideon; and is supported by the University of Surrey, the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and the Frank Scott Russell Memorial Fund.
The speakers are:
- Alex Patrick-Smith, Hinton Perry & Davenhill
- Dr. Laura Cohen, British Ceramic Confederation
- Frank Scott Russell Memorial Lecture:Devdutt Shukla, Global R&D Director, Vesuvius
- Tony Kinsella, Lucideon
- Dr. Robert Quarshie, Knowledge Transfer Network
- More to be confirmed
The day is also scheduled to include a tour of the Royce Institute facilities and an opportunity for students to show their work through posters.