A research symposium organised by the Materials Processing Institute and supported by the Armourers & Brasiers’ Company and the Iron & Steel Society of IOM3.
The aim of the symposium is to:
Allow PhD researchers and university departments from across the UK to showcase their research.
Inspire academics and research students to engage in the research challenges of the steel industry.
Enable industry colleagues and academics to form strong and lasting networks.
Applications are welcomed from PhD/EngDoc students to present their research or be included as part of the poster display at the 2022 Symposium.
Applications for the poster display are also welcomed from universities and centres for doctoral training (CDTs), seeking to promote the work of their university or centre.
The symposium is open to students, academics and industry and is particularly relevant to students planning to, or currently working on a PhD, as well as university academics, researchers and industries involved in materials, metals and process improvement.
This research symposium gives PhD/EngDoc students, academics, industrial researchers and industry leaders the opportunity to showcase their research, attend presentations about specific research, find out about support available and network with one another.
Draft Agenda