Malvern Panalytical / Empyrean MultiCore High-Performance X-ray Diffractometer

Multi-purpose X-ray Diffraction

High-resolution, high-power X-ray diffractometer for analysis of thin film or polycrystalline materials

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Detailed Description

The Malvern Panalytical Empyrean with MultiCore Optics offers the latest in high-quality analysis of challenging samples by X-ray methods (diffraction or reflectometry, including grazing incidence, texture, stress, 2D diffraction etc.). Sample stages for receiving both thin films and polycrystalline powders are available, including auto-changers and a 5-axis cradle. The MultiCore optics means the configuration can be changed without physical intervention, and multiple experiments using different techniques can be programmed together. Mapping and variable-temperature studies (Anton Paar DCS 500 Domed cooling stage,  93 K < T < 773 K) can be carried out on all samples.
High-resolution data with superior sensitivity are collected using a combination of the 4 kW Cu X-ray tube, PIXcel3D detector and advanced optics, including 2 and 3 bounce hybrid monochromators. Thin film samples up to 80mm in diameter can be mounted on the 5-axis cradle, with those up to 140mm mounted on a three-axis stage. Powders can be received on flat plates (transmission or reflection), or in capillaries. A full suite of analysis software is available, and support in advanced analysis and calibrated instrument parameter files are available.


Suitable for analysis of advanced materials, in particular thin films (10 – 100 nm) and epitaxial thin films for devices, as well as poly- and nanocrystalline samples and solid foils:
• High-resolution 1D X-Ray diffraction, 2D X-Ray diffraction, transmission XRD, and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) available.
• X-Ray reflectometry (XRR) on thin-film samples, including multi-layer and ultra-thin films.
• Reciprocal space map (RSM), rocking curve, residual stress, pole figure measurements possible, including fast scans.
• Variable-temperature  measurements to test stability, cycling performance etc.
• ‘Click to measure’ mapping capability of thin film samples.

Note, in using this instrument you must confirm that the PIXcel3D detector, and the CERN Medipix 2 and/or Medipix 3 chip technology therein, is only used for X-ray analysis purposes. Please contact us for further details on samples we may not be able to accept (in particular, medical, military, nuclear or space applications).

• 4 kW Cu X-ray source (60 kV/100 mA).
• PIXcel3D detector.
• Flat plate and capillary powder sample holders.
• 3-axis (for thin film samples up to 140 mm in diameter) and 5-axis cradle (for samples up to 80 mm diameter).
• Variable-temperature capability for powders and thin films (93 K – 773 K).
• Standard optics for a variety of techniques easily switchable using MultiCore optics (FWHM ≤ 0.007º (≤ 26”), powder diffraction FWHM as low as 0.026º 2Θ).
• High-resolution beam path using both incident and diffracted beam monochromator available (acceptance of 0.0033º in diffracted beam path).